Monday 1st of August 2011 - Somerset House. The Prodigal Gene was fortunate enough to be offered a guest list ticket to the Film4 Summer Screening of Thelma and Louise and naturally, gladly accepted it. With the first day of August being so marvellous, one can only hope that it was to lead the way for the night and month ahead.
Thelma Dickerson: OK, then listen; let's not get caught.
Louise Sawyer: What're you talkin' about?
Thelma Dickerson: Let's keep goin'!
Louise Sawyer: What d'you mean?
Thelma Dickerson: ...Go.
Louise Sawyer: You sure?
Thelma Dickerson: Yeah.
On a balmy summer's evening, the sun slowly descended upon the majestic setting of the central courtyard at Somerset House. Once again Film4 had taken over the arena for 12 nights to screen a number of classic movies with some potential contemporary classics thrown in the mix. Tonight Film4 were screening Thelma and Louise, but on Saturday for example, they were to screen cult horror behemoths: Gremlins and Tremors.
Guests are invited into the courtyard where they are assembled in three columns before the silver screen. Once an adequate spot has been found, guests begin setting up their blankets and breaking out their picnics for the night ahead. Whoops and holla's rang out as the southern flick got under way and continued even after the Bluebird had flown over the cliff. This was open-air cinema for the masses, created in a setting of such grandeur, truly savoured by all who attended.
Special thanks to the Somerset House and Film4 events teams who made the evening such a triumphant success. The dates for next year are already saved!
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